Tahu Tek is one of the typical food of Surabaya.
Tahu Tek consists of half-cooked fried tofu cut into small pieces with scissors, half-baked fries, bean sprouts, sliced cucumber cut into small length (like pickles) and prawn crackers. All were then doused with a marinade made of paste, boiled water to taste (not to be too watery), peanuts, chilies and garlic. Petis used recommended petis of Sidoarjo, because it feels more comfortable and appropriate native of the region of origin (Surabaya directly adjacent to the Sidoarjo).
Tahu Tek Named because scissors are used to cut food (tofu, potatoes, eggs) is sounded as if cutting continues, although the food has been cut out, so it sounds like .. tek tek tek ...
In some variations that exist in Jakarta, vendors also provide Tech Know Tofu Eggs, by frying him with an egg batter